June 6, 2010

BP Oil Spill

I plead ignorance. I assumed, which I realize is a dangerous thing to do - that the deep sea oil drillers had all the research, experimentation, technology and ability to handle a drilling disaster of any magnitude they undertook and that they were tightly regulated. It seems obvious now, that not only the U.S. but also other countries of the world have allowed the oil companies to poke holes in the earth and create environmental disasters they are not capable of handling. It is too bad that the environmental catastrophe in the gulf had to occur before regulation will take place. Much like the WTC Buildings had to go down before the world took notice of Al Quida.

We can be sure, oil companies will be required by law and regulation to handle (plugging holes or some method) before they can drill. We can be sure that these oil companies will have that second hole dug to before they start pumping from the first. The cozy relationship with the regulators and oil companies is ended. As citizens of the earth, we must watch our government. It will cost us more at the pump but that is the price we have to pay.

Finally, where is England in all of this? This is a British company? And this is not President Obama's fault - it is the years of fighting safety regulations, primarily by republicans. Where is "drill, baby drill, Sarah Palin now? Hiding on her porch in Wasilla? And this is who the republicans wanted one heart beat away from the presidency?

Right now, all we have is hope, hope that this oil leak will not last 40 years or however long it takes to deplete the oil field under the ocean. I have always been a political independent - but this one belongs squarely in the the hands of the republicans who want only de-regulation. There is a place for governments of the world and government in our lives. Government being involved to prevent such disasters.


Nessa said...

I just don't get it Dad. How can the public blame Obama for this? Why aren't people blaming the real villans here - big oil and the politicians they've paid off for years to deregulate the industry?

I want to believe the American people are smarter than this. I really do. But I just can't when they insist on tearing apart the President who is fighting to protect us by sticking it to those responsible for this disaster. Then they go and cheerlead for the Republicans who are blocking every measure that would hold BP completely accountable, not to mention Republicans like Joe Barton who are actually apologizing to BP.

This disaster shouldn't be a partisan issue, but the Republicans have made it one. Yet the Democrats are the ones who get blamed. I am just saddened. So saddened by this.

Tyler said...


I will agree with you on the point that no disaster should be a partisan issue. The only thing Obama should be blamed for is the way the aftermath of this tradgedy is being handled. Much in the same way everyone blamed Bush for his response in the Katrina disaster (which is justified), Obama takes blame for this. There are many resources that he could have taken advantage of but has not done so.

The President of the United States,whoever it may be, will always be the villian or the hero for any disaster, natural or manmade, that happens in the country... especially in how it is handled following the event.

Anonymous said...

Yes Vanessa, at my mature age of 66 I have learned that humans always look for someone to blame when things go wrong. It seems always - the doctors did not do enough, the police, the spouse, the neighbor. When there is no one to blame, no clear cut villian, they blame a governor if it is a state or the president if it is the U.S. Most often, "it is what it is" and that is it. No one to blame, but it must be cultured learning, people always look for someone.