September 3, 2007

Post-mortum on the Bush Presidency - Part I

The George W Bush presidency, for all practical purposes is now over. It ran it's course of almost 6 years when finally a majority of Americans gave it a vote of "no confidence."

The U.S. does not have a system of recalling a president but it does have "checks and balances" with mid-term elections. These tell the president what the people think of the way he is running the country. With the November, 2006 election, losing both houses of Congress of the party he leads by clear majority was a repudiation of this president and his policies. George W Bush would do just as well now in writing his memoirs. The people have said they would rather have the country tied up in Washington, if it must be, rather than this president continuing in the way he has.

This is a presidency that has been quite different from all those that have come before it, and the history of this country will be written in terms of "before the George W Bush presidency" and "after." Unfortunately, it will not be for the better.

First we must understand some things and ask some things: This is the first presidency in this country that was re-elected to office, despite being very unpopular (Abraham Lincoln's popularity, although low was on the rise after the Civil War and a popularity in the short period of the second term was high). In democracies, the people usually discharge elected leaders who are not popular with the people by voting them out, but it this case, they didn't. It is in the answer to this question, this enigma that we find the failings of this presidency.

To understand this, we must first understand how the person of George W Bush rose to the level of power that he did. In this, as we go along we will see all of the trappings of those things that have ended up in a two term, failed presidency.

First George W Bush was born into a prominent and influential family in American politics. Being born into this family allowed this person special privileges the average American does not have. Being the son of a well known, established public servant, a hero of a foreign war and in all regards a great American - George H Bush (Sr), contrary to the dislike of aristocracy in this country used this special influence. The fame of his father in power and influence got George W Bush into a prestigious college (Yale), where of his own admission was a C student. Then he was accepted into graduate school at Yale. How many students with a C average are there who get into the graduate school of a highly selective and famous college? The hand of his father had to be working here also.

Whether they will admit it or not, it got him into the Air National Guard during the time of the Vietnam war which was a "very special privilege" at the time, as it protected him from the danger of combat.

Subsequently, under the umbrella and influence of the prominent father, George W Bush ventured into the oil business and failed, but there was that prominent father and his influential friends ready and available to bail him out. George W Bush, like his father took an interest in politics and worked within the Republican Party. With the Bush name firmly established in Texas oil and politics, he was elected governor of a state with a relatively weak executive branch. He ran for and was elected governor-undoubtedly from the fame of the Bush family.

With light duties as a governor with a weak executive branch, it was easier for George W Bush to continue his political career, learn the business, learn how to avoid the land mines of political life. The eager father, George Bush Senior, who was not re-elected as president certainly had to like the idea of his son possibly becoming president. We can never know exactly what went on in the minds of these two men, the first a former President of accomplishment in pulling the world together to remove a regime in the middle east that took over another country, yet lost an election shortly thereafter ( some things are just not fair in politics). Did George Senior think this was his chance to complete his presidency or did his son think this? For the uninformed citizens of this country and the son, there was always the unfinished business in Iraq that lurked behind the scenes.

So the stage was set. George W Bush, the young son with a less than stellar academic, military, oil business and political achievements, was set up by the Republican establishment (Google Alan Chartok blog, posting "Here Comes the BUMS) as their "poster boy for president." Millions upon millions were raised through the Republican coffers to send their man, their republican poster boy to the primaries and he prevailed as the year 2000 Republican presidential candidate.

Luck was on their side as it almost has to be in successful political ventures. The Democrats nominated one of their "good old boys" (again reference Alan Chartok blog "Here Come the BUMS) who certainly had more and better experience, intelligence and ability in serving as a U.S. Senator and Vice President of the U.S. for 8 years. The luck was that Al Gore, the democratic nominee, although capable in many regards was a person without an ounce of charisma. His lack of charisma and public presentation was so poor his was referred to as the "stick boy."

The Republican party went to work with their money, questionable ethics in campaigning (i.e Carl Rove) and prevailed in helping George W Bush, a substandard candidate give Vice President Al Gore, the more experienced and authentic leader a run for the presidency.

As it turned out, with all the Republican money and tactics, they were able to get close enough to Al Gore that the country experienced a first in its history. The election in 2000 was virtually a tie. There were some vote counting problems in one critical state, so the Supreme Court of the U.S. was tasked with deciding the legitimacy of the vote count and the winner of the election. Their decision, as we know was George W Bush although his opponent garnered more of the total vote (popular vote).

It is apparent in such a close election and the huge amount of money the Republicans spent to get George Bush to the presidential voting level, there was something about this man that did not sit quite right with about 50% of the people. Be that as it may, George W Bush was the president elect as per Supreme Court ruling, Al Gore conceded and the American people, as they always do, were willing to give this guy a chance.

George W Bush, president elect exuded much confidence as a president elect must, but this was very easy for him. As was all his previous life, he had his influential family, many, many power contacts within the U.S. to serve in his cabinet and help him run the country. One has to wonder if George Bush Senior, the above average president who preceded him, the one from the "Greatest Generation," seen this as doable. He must have, but he should have known better, for he himself earned his wings and fought the tough battles himself.

End of First Chapter - Second Chapter Coming

(Originally posted on July 24, 2006, on former MySpace blog)

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